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Sky's Ramblings

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Don't worry.  I'm not neglecting the comic.  I just have a lot of stuff on my plate at the moment.  But I did managed to complete a Halloween pic.  Try and figure this one out.  (hint) The answer is on my DeviantArt page.



Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sorry, but there won't be a comic this weekend.  Don't get me wrong.  I have the story, just not the time.  Definitely expect on next weekend though.




Friday, October 20, 2006

Okay, I finished inking and coloring last weekend's strip so that's going to be this weekend's strip.  Trust me, it's a lot better.
On another note, I have a test today. Yes! A test! *Feins happiness* And what in do you ask? Trigonometry I tell you!


P.S. Don't forget to visit the Forum! I need ideas for the two girls' backgrounds!  If you don't have any idea what to write, just look here at Sky/Taylor's profile to get an idea of the information.  (obviously any magical aspects will be null since the girls are both quite normal) (Nadia, however, is a computer and internet whiz)  Basically what I'm looking for are suggestions for a background story for each of them.


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